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There are many religious Christian themes and connections that can be found throughout the movie Frozen.  In addition to the characters personalities and the original fairy tale, there are also many smaller symbols found throughout. 

Anna, being "alone" (Elsa isolates herself to her room) after her parents death, finds company and comfort by talking to the pictures on the palace walls. These pictures include a portrait of St. Joan of Arc (“Hang in there, Joan!”) - A Roman Actholac symboyl and Saint. 

Elsa’s coronation is an obvious representation of a Catholic coronation. The coronation takes place in a Scandinavian looking cathedral with a bishop leading the ceremony,  and a choir chanting in an overhead on the balcony. The movie even contains a glimpse of what appears to be a flowered cross at the service. 

Olaf the snowman, like Anna, represents all that is good and Christian. He believes in love, is caring and also has a similarity to Christ when he is willing to melt to save Anna. Olaf defines love for Anna as “putting someone else’s needs before your own”.  This is a similar description to what the Bible calls agape love – self-sacrificial, selfless, unconditional love.

Greydanus, Steven. "How Christian Is Disney’s Frozen? (Not Very.)." Decent Films. N.p., 2014. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.


Pinsky, Mark. "Disney's Frozen Might Be the Most Christian Movie Lately." The Guardian. N.p., 2014. Web. 4 Feb. 2015.

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